Monday, November 22, 2010

The Time is Coming....


Your test is about 36 hours away and I hope very much that all of you have been studying. This test has very easy and very challeneging parts.  To ease your stress I have found a prayer for you, in hopes that it will lessen your stress.

Lord Jesus,
Being fully human, as well as fully divine,
you know the pressures and stress that I face right now.
I ask that you guide me as I take this test,
so that I may do my best.
Help me to use the knowledge I have gained,
in this class and all my classes
to build up your kingdom,
for the good of all people. Amen
David Bennett

I am here every step of the way with you.

-Mr. I


  1. Everyone said that Miss Miltenburg was there every step of the way with us.

  2. but this is social studies NOT math....P:
